All-Star Survivor: Greece
Challenging the Gods

Greek Finale - Pre-Show Recap:

[Open with a shot of Greece. A small white temple sits on a hillside. A fishing boat sails across the sea. Then we get a closeup of a statue of Zeus. He is holding a thunderbolt.]

PROBST: Over the past thirty-nine days, sixteen Americans have been competing in the adventure of a lifetime.

[A shot of Stephanie, running through a labyrinth, holding an axe.]

PROBST: They have been stranded in Greece, on the Aegean Sea, on two separate islands.

[A shot of Dirk and Carl, firing a catapult. It hits the shelter on the beach of the opposing island.]

PROBST: The players have had to work together to form a new society, all while trying to attain the ultimate individual goal of winning one... million... dollars.

[A shot of Ramona and Tanya racing atop two carts, as their teams push them along a trail.]

PROBST: Only this time it has been different. These are not just average Americans. These players were here for their second chance at this game.

[A shot of Peter Harkey, having his torch extinguished first back in the Marquesas.]

PROBST: These players had all lost before, and all were granted a second chance. A second chance at destiny. And a second chance at success.

[A shot of Ryan Aiken, struggling to hold himself up over a pond.]

PROBST: Because going into Greece, there was one thing all sixteen players had in common. And that was failure. Along with disappointment.

[Shots of their final words from their respective seasons.]

HUNTER: I was camping with a bunch of knuckleheads and I'll tell you that to your faces when I see you again.

JOHN: I hope I’m not an embarrassment to my church and my family.

JESSIE: This is kind of nerve-wracking, sitting here by myself. But I’m not going to cry.

DEBB: This was my nightmare: to come here and get voted off first. I feel like a loser.

[Peter hangs his head, exhausted. Cut to a shot of the sixteen Greek Survivors pushing giant boulders up a mountainside.]

PROBST: In Greece, they have managed to forge a new destiny. An opportunity to right what had once gone wrong. To vanquish personal demons. And to elevate their status in the annals of Survivor history.

DIRK: I told them to pardon my French... but heck yeah! My bag’s already packed!

CARL: Welcome back, losers!

[Debb squints into the sun, looking uncertain.]

PROBST: On day one captains were selected, and Gabriel and Diane were allowed to pick their own tribes.

[Shot of Jeff spinning the wheel. Gabe points to Peter. Diane calls up Carl.]

CARL: We’re playing against the Harlem Freakin' Globetrotters.

RYAN [excitedly]: Yeah, baby!

PROBST: Diane selected a more mature team, while Gabriel went for youth and strength. And in the beginning, it was evident that youth would rule the day, as Diane's Taygete tribe fell in battle again... and again... and again.

[A shot of the Taygete boulder, rolling backwards down a hill.]

[A shot of Ramona falling off her cart, tumbling to the ground.]

[Debb looks upset as Alkyone celebrates.]

[Successive shots of Linda, Diane and Carl, all having their torches snuffed.]

PROBST: And with the loss of Diane, their captain, Taygete fell into chaos. Several successors rose to power... all to be voted off inevitably soon after.

CARL: This is just a suggestion and you can tell me to go to hell if you want. But let’s work our buns off today and do something as a team for once. We can’t have our house looking like a damn refugee camp. At least take some pride in what we’ve been given.

[A shot of Kel bring home a bucket of fish... and then being voted off.]

[A shot of Dirk calling out the answer to a puzzle... and then being voted off.]

PROBST: And with the stress of the game, things began to turn ugly for both sides. During the Reward Challenges, tempers flared.

[A shot of the Alkyone shelter being burned to the ground. Then one of Gabe throwing sand on their burning boat to put it out.]

GABE: Tip it upside down!

PETER: Our boat was on fire!

TANYA: That’s just scary.

[A shot of Ryan shoving Dirk in the cart challenge, and later angrily slapping him in the face during a wrestling match.]

PROBST: Four of the first five boots were from the older Taygete team, with only Sonja being voted off from the Alkyones.

[A shot of Sonja having her flame snuffed.]

PROBST: The younger Alkyones worked well as a team - dividing the labor, setting high standards of living and dominating the challenges. They were the warriors of the Greek isles and seemed destined for newfound glory.

[Successive shots of Tanya climbing a fruit tree, Stephanie fishing, Hunter splitting a log and Gabe pulling a heavy cart.]

[A shot of Peter getting knocked over by a sheep.]

PROBST: Then on day eighteen, the Alkyones decided to play strategically. They voted out their leader, Hunter.

[A shot of Hunter being eliminated. He looks pissed.]

PROBST: And that is where the fun began. The next day, the players expected a merge-- and were shocked by a surprising twist. There was no merge. The teams were simply re-divided.

[A shot of Ramona, covering her mouth with her hand. She sadly waves goodbye to Jessie. Another shot of Gabriel looking surprised.]

PROBST: And thus new alliances were born, along with new flirtations.

[A shot of Jessie and Ryan, sitting under a tree.]

STEPHANIE: He’s like a kid on Christmas morning. He gets to sleep next to Jessie now.

PROBST: And in a shocking Tribal Council on day twenty-seven, Ryan Aiken managed to take over the new Taygete tribe. He also managed to oust his mentor, John Raymond, in the process.

[John holds up the black dagger. Stephanie buries her face in her hands.]

PROBST: Stephanie vowed to avenge her friend John, and went on a crusade againt Jessie and Ryan.

STEPHANIE: Screw them. I don't care. I hope they burn in hell.

PROBST: And then... on day twenty-eight, after a week of speculation, the tribes merged. And with Stephanie selling them out, Jessie and Ryan were now doomed.

[A shot of Jessie being voted out.]

[A shot of Ryan being voted out.]

PROBST: Last week, the game was down to five.

[Successive shots of Gabriel, Peter, Tanya, Stephanie and Ramona]

PROBST: And Tanya decided that her best friend had to go. She agonized over the decision, but eventually decided to vote out Gabriel.

TANYA: Because he's just too strong and wise. I can't possibly keep him around.

[A shot of Gabe having his torch snuffed.]

PROBST: Now, we are down to four.

[A shot of Ramona laughing.]

[A shot of Tanya smiling.]

[A shot of Peter talking.]

[A shot of Stephanie stripping off her clothes.]

PROBST: But the ride the rest of the way is not going to be easy. There has been betrayal...

TANYA: Peter is gonna hate me if I vote for Gabe!

PROBST: ... rejection...

RAMONA: Steph won't even give me the time of day!

PROBST: ... and plain old flat-out lies.

PETER: But Steph and Tanya hate each other, so that's been an issue. They just don't get along.

[A shot of Tanya and Stephanie sharing a laugh.]

TANYA: Steph and I have been doing it since day one, and you all bought it.

PROBST: And now... the questions remain.

[Tanya whispers in Stephanie’s ear.]

PROBST: Can Tanya and Stephanie keep their friendship a secret?

TANYA [to Gabe]: Don’t tell anybody. Please!

[Ramona sits alone in meditation.]

PROBST: Will Ramona, who was once dead in the water, come from behind to win it all?

RAMONA: I’ve lasted the past thirty-six days on determination alone. What’s three more?

[Peter laughs and slaps Gabe on the back.]

PROBST: Will Peter, who now finds himself without an ally, be free to make a last minute deal? Or will he be defenseless against the three remaining females?

PETER: It's Gabe or nothin', man. That's always been the plan.

[Stephanie scowls.]

PROBST: And will Stephanie’s coldness get in the way of forming any strong bonds? Will she be able to salvage her reputation among the tribe?

STEPHANIE: Piss on 'em.

PROBST: All these questions will be answered tonight, through three tribal councils...

[A shot of the mysterious boatman, waiting at the end of the path. He is beckoning with his finger.]

PROBST: ... two immunity challenges...

[A shot of Peter shooting Gabe with a paintgun crossbow.]

PROBST: ... An unforgettable final Tribal Council...

[A shot of Jeff Probst walking up a long, white staircase.]

PROBST: And the crowning of one Sole Survivor.

[A shot of Jeff reading a ballot. He smiles.]

PROBST: Who will win? And who will be eliminated?

[A quick montage of the final four... Peter... Tanya... Stephanie... and Ramona.]

PROBST: Stay tuned.

[Fade out on a statue of Zeus]


Continue to the Greek Finale